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Book of The Covenant (2023 edition)
An Integrated Translation & Transliteration of the Hebraic Scriptures
The faith of Abraham, Yitzchak and Yaaqob and the Covenant which ELOHIM made with him, his descendants and their gentile commonwealth is Hebraic in context. All scriptures undergirding this truth and the Covenant should be read, interpreted and applied in the context of its Hebraic framework. This will assure a valid understanding of these Hebraic scriptures. If these scriptures are interpreted or translated at the expense of their Hebraic context and pertinent terminology, then the reader’s understanding and perspective would accordingly be compromised.
The foundation of the Hebraic scriptures is the Torah (Instructions), Neviim (Prophets) and Ketuvim (Writings) [TaNaKh]. All other scriptures, testimonies or writings, including the traditional twenty-seven Messianic Testimonies and Letters [MTL]; regardless of their language, context or source, have to derive their authenticity and validation from the TaNaKh; and particularly so, if they are intended to be a congruent and continuing Testimony of that everlasting Truth and Covenant.
It would be ideal if the global English-speaking community at large were conversant with the Hebraic language and context of the Scriptures. Since this is not so, a necessary mitigating action is to provide such readers with an Integrated Translation and Transliteration (ITT) of the Hebraic Scriptures. Such an ITT process (though not a literary translation norm) is a necessary remedy to manifest its original Hebraic context and critical terminologies. Hence, pertinent Hebraic terminologies including names and titles are transliterated in this Book of The Covenant (rather than being translated or substituted) to preserve their original Hebraic root word, and thereby their intended Hebraic meaning.
Shortcomings of the common comprehensive translation process (whether concordant or equivalence) have been apparent in the history of Scripture translations at large. It had resulted in the manifestation of non-Hebraic, substituted or contrived critical terminologies in the destination language, such as Lord, instead of YHWH; God, instead of EL, ELOAH, ELOHIM; Church, instead of Qahal; Jesus, instead of YAHshua; Christ, instead of Mashiach; Testament, instead of Covenant; Angel, instead of Malak. Such critical word-substitution or replacement process, coupled with a non-Hebraic theological framework, have resulted in the evolution of doctrines or religious systems which are not congruent with the original Hebraic Scriptures.
This Book of The Covenant (BTC) is a restoration of the Hebraic context of Scripture through an integrated translation and transliteration (ITT) of crucial Scripture terminologies.
Readers are encouraged to browse the BTC Translation and Transliteration Protocol as well as the List of Transliterated Names and Words (App 1 & 2) in order to better apprehend the ITT process of this BTC. All transliterated names and words in the main text are in italics and listed with their respective Hebraic meaning in the Appendices.
Gimel UriYaH
Principal Editor
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